What does it really take to build an Iconic Brand?
What does it really take to build an Iconic Brand? Or more importantly: What does that even mean?
I think we often confuse the meaning of what Iconic exactly is… and rightfully so as it's a word that holds a lot of weight. When we think of iconic brands, we all have an image or a company that comes to mind. Usually a tech titan, a famous sports brand, or a timeless fashion icon. Even me just listing those examples, I bet some images and brands have come into your mind. That is the power of well executed branding that has sustained over decades. But what happens when we're brand new? Or when we feel like we're such a small fish in a sea of over-saturated markets?
Here's my take on it…
My personal favourite definition of Iconic is:
Widely known and acknowledged especially for distinctive excellence.
I love this definition because it takes the pressure off of us needing to compare ourselves to these brands that have been around for decades, perhaps even centuries. Brands that have entire marketing and creative teams that devote themselves to maintaining the image of that brand and can put some serious resources and PR behind it.
When it's just you building your brand, it can feel like a big responsibility and a lot of pressure at times. Which is why striving for excellence in your brand no matter what stage you are at, how large your team is, or if others view you as iconic yet, is the best way we can build our very own Iconic Brand. You see, iconic is whatever you want it to mean to you. Sure, we collectively agree that many brands have reached an ‘iconic’ status — but do you personally believe that your brand is iconic? Do you view yourself as having the potential to become an iconic brand? Do you treat your brand and business as such? Do you strive for excellence in everything you do, regardless of if the world perceives you as iconic yet?
This is how iconic brands are brand. They choose to believe in themselves first, put an emphasis on excellence, and know that every move they make is building their born. It's not about perfection, it's about being in integrity and leading with your heart of what you believe to be your most iconic brand at any given moment.
If you want to dive deeper into these topics, and discover what your unique approach to building Your Iconic Brand is, come join me for my Free Masterclass: Building Your Iconic Brand
Wed, June 12th - Fri, June 14th, 2024
1-hour sessions @ 12pm CST
*A replay will be available for registrants who cannot attend live.
This is a free 3-hour masterclass where we will be diving into the 3 key components that will collapse time in your business to build a brand of love and legacy.
I personally believe this is some of the most profound teachings on branding, and will guide you for years to come in building your Iconic Brand. I'd love for you to come join me for 3 days where we will dive into the depths of your brand on many levels: visually, strategically & energetically.
I hope to see you there!